Some of the Commands of Jesus, the Prophet

authoritatively recorded in the Injil

compiled by Dawud Jabal

Muslim friends say that they believe that Jesus was a Prophet and that He gave the Message and Commands of God. They have also said, “All that we need to know about the commands and teachings of Jesus, the Prophet, that are found in the Injil were condensed after 600 years into the Qur’an.” But, a simple comparison shows the amazing scope and purity of the commands of Jesus that are NOT found in any book other than the Injil in the Bible.

The words of Jesus, the Prophet, should be studied by Muslims and everyone else who acknowledges that Jesus was a Prophet. The world would be a much better place if each one of us followed the Commands of Jesus. Some Muslims are recognizing their obligation to pray in the way that Jesus commanded. This is shown below in sections 6:5-8 and 6:9-13.

The Commands condensed here are from English interpretations of the Injil recorded by St. Matthew, also known as Levi, son of Alphaeus, and are shown with chapter and verse numbers. Special attention is given to the Commands which are recorded in the public sermons of Jesus. These were given to the general population, not just to specific followers of Jesus.

You are invited to contact Dawud Jabal for further questions.

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