Mahomet altogether prohibits its use. It is the same practice which is
reprobated in the text.
The explanation of Abdool Câdir, the Urdoo translator of the Corân, is
tolerably appropriate. The following is his note:
راعنا لفظ بولتي تهي اِسكا بيان :سورة بقر مين هوا اِسي طرح حضرت بات فرماتي
تو جواب مين كهتي سنا همني اِسكي معني يهه هين كه قبول كيا ليكن آهسته كهتي كه نه
مانا يعني فقط كان سي سنا اور دل سي نه سنا اور حضرت كو خطاب كرتي توكهتي هين
نسنايا جائبو ظاهر مين يهه دعا نيك هي كه توهميشة غالب رهي كوئي تجهكو بري بات نه
سنا سكي او ردلمين نيت ركهتي كه تو بهرا هو جائيو ايسي شرارت كرتي .
"RÂINA (look on us) is a word which they were in the habit of
using, as has been already explained in Sura Bacr (II.), thus:When the
Prophet spake, they would reply 'we have heard,' of which the meaning is,
'we have received thy words'; but they added apart, 'we have not attended
to (or obeyed) them'; that is, 'we have only heard with the ear,
and not heard with the heart.' So, when they addressed the Prophet, they said, 'cause not to be
heard'; the ostensible signification of which is an
invocation of good, or, 'Be thou always victorious, let no one venture to say
an evil word against thee'; but in their heart