And such it was, for the Quraish in treating him as an equal acknowledged his
political status. Ibn Ishaq well remarks that 'when war had ceased and people
met in security, then they entered into conversation and every intelligent
person with whom the merits of Islam were discussed embraced it.' The increase
was certainly rapid now. Referring to the women who came Margoliouth says,
'These welcome visitors easily found new ties at Madina, though some sort of
examination had to be undergone to test the genuineness of their faith.'1
The people who would not come are, in this same Sura, bitterly reproved and
reminded that the ' flame of hell is prepared for the Infidels,'2
whilst those who had taken the oath of fealty under the tree are promised 'a
spirit of secure repose, a speedy victory and a rich booty.' 3 To
meet the disappointment caused by the absence of booty the Muslims are told that
there is
Other booty, over which ye have not yet had power, but now hath God
compassed them for you. Sura Al-Fath (xlviii) 21.
Baidawi says this may refer to the spoils after the defeat of the Huwazin
Arabs in the battle of Hunain.4 The Muslims had referred to