their monks and the Messiah, Son of Mary, for Lords, besides God, though bidden to
worship one God only. There is no God but He!"
C. We have already seen why and in what sense the Qur'an refuses to Christ the
title of Son of God. The habit of giving religious teachers the title of Rabbi (to which
v. 31 refers) is condemned by Christ Himself in Matt. xxiii. 8. But the title did not mean
in Hebrew what it does in Arabic.
135. M. If you say that you do not believe in three Gods but in one God, and
that the doctrine of the Trinity is not what the Qur'an condemns, what is your
doctrine of the Trinity?
C. It is given in the Nicene Creed (A.D. 325), in the Creed known as that of St.
Athanasius, and more simply still in the following Article:"There is but one
living and true God, everlasting, without body, parts or passions; of infinite power,
wisdom, and goodness; the Maker, and Preserver of all things both visible and invisible.
And in unity of this God-head there be three Persons" (Hypostases, Subsistences),
"of one substance, power, and eternity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost"
(Art. I of the 39 Articles). These statements are merely attempts to summarize what the
Bible1 teaches; that there is but One God in three
Hypostases (