of the prophecies it contains, and in many other ways. (See § 79.)

239. M. Christ ascended to Heaven through fear of His persecutors.

C. Indeed! Does it not seem to you remarkable that He could ascend to Heaven if He were unable to protect Himself, had He wished to do so? Your assertion is contrary not only to the Bible (Acts ii. 33, v. 31; Phil. ii. 9-11) but also to the Qur'an, which says that God took Him up unto Himself (Surah IV., An Nisa', 156), and is unworthy of a true Muslim.

240. M. Why is it said that God "rested the seventh day" (Exod. xx. II)?

C. His work of creation was finished. The words mean that after the creation of man, God has brought no other creature of any new kind into existence on the earth. Human language must be used to convey thoughts to human beings. (See § 39.)

241. M. By destroying the herd of swine, Christ maintained the unclean nature of the animal (Matt. viii. 30-32).

C. But the Gospel says it was the devils who destroyed them.

242. M. You Christians eat pork!

C. Not much in hot countries, since it is unhealthy to do so, and this was doubtless one reason why the flesh of the pig was forbidden to the Jews. It is not forbidden to us, for Christ says (Matt. xv. 11; 


Mark vii. 15-19) that all meats are clean (vide Revised Version and best reading).

243. M. How could Christ commend the unjust steward, as the Gospel says He did (Luke xvi. 8)?

C. The Gospel does not say He did. It represents Him as saying that the master of the house did so, probably by saying, "What a clever trick that rogue has devised!"

244. M. But in Luke xvi. 9 we are told that Christ said to His disciples, "Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness." Surely Christ never said that1.

C. He did, but not in the sense in which you understand the words. What they mean is, "Make good use of your money and other property: do good with it, and people whom you have helped here will welcome you in Paradise. Your money is not yours: it is God's, and you are His stewards. Without dishonesty you may imitate the steward in the parable, and by doing good with it get a reward hereafter."

245. M. "God is not mocked" (Gal. vi. 7), but Jesus was (Luke xxii. 63). Therefore Jesus is not God.

C. The verbs used in these two verses are quite different and have different meanings, as a reference to any version other than the English would show you. The context also shows the difference of sense. It is well for us all to remember that "God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that

1 Mentioned by Rev. A. R. Blackett.