Of Works Referred To In The Text Or Used In Its Preparation
Ad-Damiri. Hayat-al-Hayawan. Translation by A. S. G. Jayaker. 2 vols.London, 1906.
Ahmed Ali El Malijee. Jawab’ an Su’al Badh Ahl El Kitab. Cairo, 1908. (A poetical attack on Christ and Christianity.)
Ameer Ali, Seyyid. The Spirit of Islam. Calcutta, 1902.
Basset, Rene. "La Bordah du Cheikh el Bousiri." Poème en l'honneur de Mohammed. Traduite et commentee. Paris, 1894.
Beidhawi. Commentary on the Koran. Cairo, A.H. 1303.
Birks, Herbert. Life of Thomas Valpy French. 2 vols, London, 1895.
Burhan ud Din Al Halibi. Insan ul Ayoon (A biography of Mohammed in three volumes quarto). Cairo, A.H. 1308.
Burton, Sir. Richard. Pilgrimage to el Madinah and Meccah. 2 vols. London, 1893.
Carletti, P. V.. Idh-Har-Ul-Haqq ou manifestation de la Verite, de el Hage Rahmat-Ullah Efendi de Delhi. Traduit de l'arabe. 2 vols. Paris, 1880.
Caussin, De. Perceval. Essai sur l'histoire des Arabes avant l’Islamisme. 3 vols. Paris, 1847.
Chattopadhyaya, Nishikanta. Christ in the Koran. Cairo and London. (Reprint of an article by a Hindu that appeared in the Hindustan Review (Allahabad).)
Cheikho, P. L.. Quelques Legendes Islamiques Apocryphes. Beirut, 1910.
Denny, James. The Death of Christ. London 1903.
Endinburgh Conference Report. Vol. iv. The Missionary Message. Endinburgh, 1910.
Eth-Thalabi. Kusus al Anbiah. Cairo, A.H. 1325.
Fairbairn, A.M.. Christ in Modern Theology. London, 1894.
Fairbairn, A.M.. The City of God. London, 1897.
Fluegel, G.. Concordance to the Koran. Leipzig, 1898.
Geiger, Abraham. Was hat Mohammed aus dem Judenthume aufgenommen? Bonn, 1833.
Gerock, C.F.. Christologie des Koran. Hamburg and Gotha, 1839.
Goldziher, Ignaz. Muhammedanische Studien. 2 vols. Halle, 1889.
Gospel of Barnabas, The. Edited and Translated from the Italian MS. In the Imperial Library at Vienna by Lonsdale and Laura Ragg. Oxford, 1907.
Houtsma, M. Th., Arnold, T.W., Seligsohn, M., and Schaade, A.. Editors, The Encyclopedia of Islam: A Dictionary of the Geography, Ethnography, and Biography of the Mohammedan Peoples. London, 1910.
Hughes, Thomas P.. Dictionary of Islam. London, 1885.
Ibn Khaldoon. Mukadimet (An introduction to his general history). Beirut edition.
Jallalain. Commentary on the Koran. Cairo, A.H. 1303.
Jessup, H. H.. Kamil Abdul Messiah. Philadelphia, 1898.
Klein, F. A.. The Religion of Islam. London, 1906.
Koelle, S. W. Mohammed and Mohammedanism Critically Considered. London, 1889.
Manneval, M. La Christologie du Coran. Toulouse, 1867. (A thesis based on the earlier work of Gerock)
Mirkhond. Bible de l'Islam. Paris, 1894.
Mishkat-Ul-Misabih. (Delhi Edition.) See Introduction.
Muir, Sir William. The Beacon of Truth; or, The Testimony of the Koran to the Truth of the Christian Religion. London, 1894.
Muir, Sir William. The Coran. London, 1878.
Muir, Sir William. The Life of Mohammed. 4 vols. London, 1857.
Nöldeke, T. Geschichte des Qurans. Göttingen, 1860.
Palmer, E. H. The Quran (Sacred Books of the East). 2 vols. Oxford, 1880.
Pautz, Otto. Mohammed’s Lehre von der Offenbarung. Leipzig, 1898.
Pelly, Sir Lewis. The Miracle Play of Hasan and Husain. 2 vols. London, 1879.
Pfander, Carl Gottlieb. Mizanu’l Haqq. (The Balance of Truth.) Revised by W. St. Clair Tisdall. London, 1910.
Rice, W. A. Crusaders of the Twentieth Century. London, 1910.
Sayous, Edouard Jesus-Christ d’après Mahomet; ou, Les Notions et les Doctrines Musulmanes sur Christianisme. Paris, 1880.
Shah, Ahmad. Concordance to the Koran. (Miftah ul Quran). Benares, 1906.
Smith, H.P. The Bible and Islam. London, 1898.
Sprenger, Alois. Life of Mohammed. Allahabad, 1851.
Tisdall, W. St. Clair. Mohammedan Objections to Christianity. London, 1904.
Tisdall, W. St. Clair. The Original Sources of the Quran. London, 1905.
Toland, John. Nazarenus; or, Jewish, Gentile, and Mahometan Christianity. London, 1718. (Based on the Gospel of Barnabas).
Wherry, E. M. Commentary on the Quran. 4 vols. London, 1884.
Wright, Thomas. Early Christianity in Arabia. London, 1855.
Zamakhshari. Commentary on the Koran. Cairo, A.H. 1307.
Zwemer, S. M. Islam: A Challenge to Faith. New York, 1907.
Zwemer, S. M. The Moslem Doctrine of God. New York and Edinburgh.
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