猿猴人 Monkey Men


    Ask them about the town which stood by the sea shore. Behold! They sinned in regard to the Sabbath. On their Sabbath day, the fish swam up to them and stuck their heads out of the water (to tempt them to catch them). But the fish did not do this on the day that was not the Sabbath. In this way We tempted them because they were devoted to sinning. When some of them said, “Why do you bother preaching to people whom Allah will destroy or inflict with a terrible punishment?” The preachers responded, “To fulfill our obligations to their Lord and they might yet fear Him.” When they ignored the warnings given to them, We saved those who avoided evil, but We punished the evil-doers with a grievous punishment because they were devoted to sinning. When in their insolence they transgressed the warnings, We said to them, “Become monkeys! Despised and rejected.”


這書是翻譯自Dr. Abdullah Aziz的’The Amazing Teachings of Islam’s Prophet – Mohammed’s Believe It or Else!’。
