穆罕默德的皮肤是什么颜色的? What Color was Mohammed’s Skin? |
Bukhari vol. I, No. 63 While we were sitting with the Prophet in the mosque, a man came riding on a camel. He made his camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said, “Who among you is Mohammed?” At that time the Prophet was sitting among us, leaning on his arm. We replied, “The white man reclining on his arm.” 当我们和使者都在清真寺里坐着时,进来了一位骑骆驼的人,他把驼?下拴好后进来问道:“你们中间哪位是穆罕默德?”那时,使者正在我们中间坐着,我们告诉那人,就是坐在我们中间的那位白净的人。(布哈里圣训1:63) Bukhari vol. II, No. 122 Mohammed is described as “a white person.” 使者是洁白无比的(布哈里圣训2:1008) Bukhari vol. II, No. 141 Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet never raised his hands for any invocation, except for that of Istisqa, and he used to raise them so much that the whiteness of his armpits became visible. 艾奈斯本马立克传述:使者作任何祈祷都不高举双手,只有在祈雨的时候,才高举双手,甚至露了腋下的白色出来。(布哈里圣训2:1031) Bukhari vol. IV, No. 744 Narrated Ismasil bin Abi Khalid: I heard Abu Juhaifa saying, “I saw the Prophet, and Al-Hasan bin Ali resembled him.” I said to Abu Juhaifa, “Describe him (i.e., Allah’s Apostle) for me.” He said, “He was white and his beard was black with some white hair in it. He promised to give us 13 young she-camels, but he died before we got them.” 这书是翻译自Dr. Abdullah Aziz的’The Amazing Teachings of Islam’s Prophet – Mohammed’s Believe It or Else!’。 1至5的内容取材自古兰经。6至21的内容取材自布哈里圣训实录全集卷一至卷三(中文译本由康有玺翻译,经济日报出版社出版)。22至35的内容取材自布哈里圣训实录全集卷四至卷九(英文译本由美国南加州大学穆斯林协会翻译,放在http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/bukhari)。 |