岩洞的胜利者 The Champions of the Cave |
Do you understand that the Companions of the Cave and of the Inscription were wonders among our signs? Behold, the youths entered the Cave and said, “Our Lord, bestow upon us your mercy and deal with us in the right way.” We drew a veil over their ears for a number of years in the Cave. Then we awakened them in order to test which of the two parties was best at calculating the number of years they had stayed in the Cave. We relate to you their story in truth… So they stayed in their Cave three hundred years, and some add nine more years to that. 难道你以为岩洞和碑文的主人是我的迹象中的一件奇事吗?当时,有几个青年避居山洞中,他们说:“我们的主啊!求你把你那里的恩惠赏赐我们,求你使我们的事业完全端正。”我就使他们在山洞里几年不能听闻。后来我使他们苏醒,以便我知道两派中的哪一派更能计算他们所停留的时间。我把他们的故事,诚实地告诉你,他们是几个青年,他们信仰他们的主,而我给他们增加正道。…他们在山洞里逗留了三百年,(按阴历算)他们又加九年。(古兰经18:9-13,25)
这书是翻译自Dr. Abdullah Aziz的’The Amazing Teachings of Islam’s Prophet – Mohammed’s Believe It or Else!’。 1至5的内容取材自古兰经。6至21的内容取材自布哈里圣训实录全集卷一至卷三(中文译本由康有玺翻译,经济日报出版社出版)。22至35的内容取材自布哈里圣训实录全集卷四至卷九(英文译本由美国南加州大学穆斯林协会翻译,放在http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/bukhari)。 |