
此书目列出了本书各章节正文中所参考和引用的具体书名,并且将它们分了类,归到合适的标题下。但其中不包括引用自美国哈特福德神学院基金会 (Hartford Seminary Foundation) 出版的季刊穆斯林世界中的文章。我在此书中引用了许多这样的文章,并且每处引用的地方都注明了出自该书的第几卷。

1. 基督徒在穆斯林当中传福音.

Abdul-Haqq, Abdiyah Akbar. Sharing Your Faith With a Muslim. Bethany Fellowship, Minneapolis, USA. 1980.

Addison, James Thayer. The Christian Approach to the Moslem. AMS Press, New York, USA. 1966 (1942).

Anonymous. Christian Witness Among Muslims. Africa Christian Press, Accra, Ghana. 1971.

Bevan Jones, L. Christianity Explained to Muslims. Y. M. C. A. Publishing House, Calcutta, India. 1952 (1937).

Budd, Jack. How to Witness to Muslims. Red Sea Mission, London, United Kingdom. n. d.

Chapman, Colin. You Go and Do the Same: Studies in Relating to Muslims. CMS, London, United Kingdom. 1983.

Christensen, Jens. The Practical Approach to Muslims. North Africa Mission, Leicester, UK. 1977.

Crossley, John. Explaining the Gospel to Muslims. United Society for Christian Literature, London, UK. 1971 (1960).

Dretke, James P. A Christian Approach to Muslims. William Carey Library, Pasadena, USA. 1979.

Elder, J. The Biblical Approach to the Muslim. Christian Communications Limited, Hong Kong. n. d.

Goldsmith, Martin. Islam and Christian Witness. Hodder Christian Paperbacks, London, UK. 1982.

Harris, George K. How to Lead Moslems to Christ. China Inland Mission, Philadelphia, USA. 1957.

Madany, Bassam M. The Bible and Islam: Sharing God's Word With a Muslim. The Back to God Hour, Palos Heights, United States of America. 1981.

Marrison, G. E. The Christian Approach to the Muslim. Lutterworth Press, London, UK. 1971 (1959).

Marsh, Charles. Share Your Faith With a Muslim. Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, USA. 1975.

Massey, Kundan L. Tide of the Supernatural. Here's Life Publishers, San Bernadino, USA. 1980.

McCurry, Don M. (editor). Sharing the Gospel with Iranians. Samuel Zwemer Institute, Altadena, USA. 1982.

    do. The Gospel and Islam. Marc, Monrovia, United States of America. 1978.

McDowell, Josh and Gilchrist, John. The Islam Debate. Here's Life Publishers, San Bernadino, USA. 1983.

Miller, William M. A Christian's Response to Islam. Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing Co., Nutley, USA. 1976.

Nehls, Gerhard. And What About the Muslim? Life Challenge, Cape Town, South Africa. 1979.

    do. Christians Ask Muslims. Life Challenge, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa. 1980.

    do. Christians Answer Muslims. Life Challenge, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa. 1980.

    do. The Great Commission: You and the Muslim. Life Challenge, Cape Town, South Africa. 1980.

Parshall, Phil. New Paths in Muslim Evangelism. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, USA. 1980.

Register, Ray G. Dialogue and Interfaith Witness with Muslims Moody Books Inc., Kingsport, USA. 1979.

Vander Werff, Lyle L. Christian Mission to Muslims. William Carey Library, Pasadena, USA. 1977.

2. 基督徒有关伊斯兰和基督教方面的书籍.

Anonymous. Guidelines for a Dialogue Between Muslims and Christians. Secretariatus Pro Non-Christianis. Edizion Ancora, Rome, Italy. 1971 (1969).

Bell, Richard. The Origin of Islam in its Christian Environment. Frank Cass, London, UK. 1968 (1926).

Bevan Jones, L. The People of the Mosque. Baptist Mission Press, Calcutta, India. 1959 (1932).

Brown, David. A New Threshold: Guidelines for the Churches in their Relations with Muslim Communities. The British Council of Churches, London, UK. 1976.

    do. Jesus and God in the Christian Scriptures. Christianity and Islam 1, Sheldon Press, London, UK. 1967.

    do. The Christian Scriptures. Christianity and Islam 2, Sheldon Press, London, UK. 1967.

    do. The Cross of the Messiah. Christianity and Islam 3, Sheldon Press, London, UK. 1967.

    do. The Divine Trinity. Christianity and Islam 4, Sheldon Press, London, United Kingdom. 1967.

Cash, W. W. Christendom and Islam. Student Christian Movement Press, London, England. 1937.

Cooper, Anne. Ishmael my Brother. Marc, Send the Light Books, Bromley, Kent, UK. 1985.

Cracknell, Kenneth. Christians and Muslims Talking Together. The British Council of Churches, London, UK. 1984.

Cragg, Kenneth. Alive to God. Oxford University Press, London, United Kingdom. 1970.

    do. Muhammad and the Christian. Darton, Longman and Todd, London, United Kingdom. 1984.

    do. Sandals at the Mosque: Christian Presence amid Islam. SCM Press Ltd., London, United Kingdom. 1959.

Daniel, Norman. Islam and the West. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 1980 (1960).

Deshmukh, Dr. Ibrahimkhan O. The Gospel and Islam. Gospel Literature Service, Bombay, India. 1982.

Finlay, M. H. Face the Facts. Gospel Literature Service, Bombay, India. 1968 (1964).

Freeman-Grenville, G. S. P. The Muslim and Christian Calendars. Rex Collings Limited, London, UK. 1977 (1963).

Frieling, Rudolf. Christianity and Islam. Floris Books, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. 1978.

Gilchrist, John. A Reply to A. S. K. Joommal's 'The Bible: Word of God or Word of Man?'. Jesus to the Muslims, Benoni, Republic of South Africa. 1980.

Huelin, Gordon. The Church and the Churches. Christianity and Islam 5, Sheldon Press, London, UK. 1967.

Joseph, S. and Pillsbury Barbara L. K. Muslim-Christian Conflicts. Westview Press, Boulder. USA. 1978.

Kateregga B.D. and Shenk, David. Islam and Christianity. Uzima Press Limited, Nairobi, Kenya. 1980.

Moon, James S. Sweetman's Islam and Christian Theology. Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham, United Kingdom. n. d.

Muir, Sir William. The Coran: Its Composition and Teaching. S. P. C. K., London, United Kingdom. 1903 (1878).

    do. The Beacon of Truth. The Religious Tract Society, London, United Kingdom. 1894.

    do. The Mohammedan Controversy. Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, 1897.

Mylrea, Rev. C.G. The Holy Spirit in Qur'an and Bible. The Christian Literature Society, Madras, India. n. d.

Parshall, Phil. Beyond the Mosque: Christians Within Muslim Community. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, USA. 1985.

    do. Bridges to Islam. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, United States of America. 1983.

    do. The Fortress and the Fire. Gospel Literature Service, Bombay, India. 1975.

Pfander, C.G. Miftahu'l Asrar: The Key of Mysteries. The Christian Literature Society, Madras, India. 1912.

    do. The Mizan ul Haqq; or Balance of Truth. Church Missionary House, London, UK. 1867.

    do. The Mizanu'l Haqq (Balance of Truth). The Religious Tract Society, London, UK. 1910.

Samartha S.J. and Taylor, J.B. Christian-Muslim Dialogue. The World Council of Churches, Geneva, Switzerland. 1972.

Sahas, Daniel J. John of Damascus on Islam. E. J. Brill, Leiden, Holland. 1972.

Seale, M.S. Qur'an and Bible: Studies in Interpretation and Dialogue. Croom Helm, London, UK. 1978.

Schimmel, Annemarie and Falaturi, Abdoldjavad. We Believe in One God: The Experience of God in Christianity and Islam. Burns and Oates, London, UK. 1979.

Schlink, Basilea. Allah or the God of the Bible - What is the Truth? Lakeland, Basingstoke, UK. 1984.

O'Shaughnessy, Thomas. The Koranic Concept of the Word of God. Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Rome, Italy. 1948.

Smith, Margaret. The Way of the Mystics: The Early Christian Mystics and the Rise of the Sufis. Sheldon, UK. 1976.

Spencer, H. Islam and the Gospel of God. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Delhi, India. 1956.

Stade, Robert. Ninety-Nine Names of God in Islam. Daystar Press, Ibadan, Nigeria. 1970.

Sweetman, J. Windrow. Islam and Christian Theology. Part One, Volume 1. Lutterworth Press, London, UK. 1945.

    do. Islam and Christian Theology. Part One, Volume 2. Lutterworth Press, London, UK. 1947

    do. Islam and Christian Theology. Part Two, Volume 1. Lutterworth Press, London, UK. 1955.

    do. Islam and Christian Theology. Part Two, Volume 2. Lutterworth Press, London, UK. 1967.

Tisdall, W.St.Clair. A Manual of the Leading Muhammadan Objections to Christianity. S. P. C. K., London, UK. 1912.

Trimingham, J. Spencer. Christianity Among the Arabs in Pre-Islamic Times. Longman Group Ltd., London, UK. 1979.

Watson, Charles R. What is this Moslem World? Friendship Press, New York, USA. 1937.

Watt, W. Montgomery. Islam and Christianity Today. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, United Kingdom. 1983.

Wherry, Rev. E. M. The Muslim Controversy. The Christian Literature Society, Madras, India. 1905.

Wright, Thomas. Early Christianity in Arabia. Bernard Quaritch, London, United Kingdom. 1855.

Zwemer, Samuel M. Across the World of Islam. Fleming H. Revell Company, New York, USA. 1929.

    do. Islam: A Challenge to Faith. Marshall Brothers Ltd., London, United Kingdom. 1909 (1907).

    do. Mohammed or Christ. Seeley, Service & Co. Limited, London, United Kingdom. 1915.

    do. The Cross Above the Crescent. Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, USA. n. d.

    do. The Glory of the Cross. Baker Book House, Michigan, United States of America. 1982 (1935).

    do. The Moslem Christ. Oliphant, Anderson and Ferrier, London, United Kingdom. 1912

    do. The Moslem Doctrine of God. Oliphant, Anderson and Ferrier, London, United Kingdom. 1905.

3. 穆斯林有关伊斯兰和基督教方面的书籍.

Ajijola, AlHaj Adeleke Dirisu, The Myth of the Cross. Akhlaq Hussein, Director, Islamic Publications Limited, Lahore, Pakistan. 1975.

Alam, Maulana Syed Mohammad Badre. Nuzul-e-Isa: Descension of Jesus Christ. Dini Book Depot, Urdu Balaar, Delhi. India. 1974.

Al-Hindi, Mawlana Rahmat Ullah. The Ijaharul Hakk; or Truth Revealed. Publisher not named, India. 1860.

Anonymous. Christian Mission and Islamic Da'wah. The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, UK. 1982.

Ansari, Muhammad F.R. Islam and Christianity in the Modern World. World Federation of Islamic Missions, Karachi, Pakistan. 1965 (1940).

Assfy, Zaid H. Islam and Christianity. William Sessions Ltd., York, United Kingdom. 1977.

Azhar, Ahmad D. Christianity in History. Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, Lahore, Pakistan. 1968.

Aliz-us-Samad, Ulfat. A Comparative Study of Christianity and Islam. Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, Lahore, Pakistan. 1983 (1970).

    do. Islam and Christianity. International Islamic Federation, Peshawar, Pakistan. 1982.

Bucaille, Maurice. The Bible, The Qur'an and Science. North American Trust Publications, Indianapolis, USA. 1978.

Chishti, Yousuf Saleem. What is Christianity? World Federation of Islamic Missions, Karachi, Pakistan. 1970.

Darsh, Dr. S. M. Muslims in Europe. Ta-Ha Publishers, London, United Kingdom. 1980.

Deedat, Ahmed. The Choice: The Qur'an or the Bible. Thinkers Library, Selangor, Singapore. n. d.

Hamid, Abdul. Islam and Christianity. A Hearthstone Book, New York, United States of America. 1967.

Hussein, M. K. City of Wrong: A Friday in Jerusalem. Geoffrey Bles, London, United Kingdom. 1959.

Imran, Maulana Muhammad. The Cross and the Crescent. Malik Sirajuddin & Sons, Lahore, Pakistan. 1979.

Jameelah, Maryam. Islam Versus Ahl al Kitab, Past and Present. Mohammad Yusuf Khan, Lahore, Pakistan. 1968.

Joommal, A. S. K. The Bible: Word of God or Word of Man? I. M. S. Publications, Johannesburg, South Africa. 1976.

Kamal-ud-Din, Khwaja. The Sources of Christianity. Woking Muslim Mission & Literary Trust, Lahore, Pakistan. 1973.

Manjoo, Muhammad E. The Cross and the Crescent. Foto-Saracen, Durban, South Africa. 1966.

Nadwi, Syed Abul Hasan Ali. Muslims in the West. The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, United Kingdom. 1983.

Niali, Kausar. The Mirror of Trinity. Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, Lahore, Pakistan. 1975.

Sandeela, F.M. Islam, Christianity and Hinduism. Taj Company, Delhi, India. 1983.

Shafaat, Ahmad. The Gospel According to Islam. Vantage Press Inc., New York, USA. 1979.

Tabari, Ali. The Book of Religion and Empire. Law Publishing Company, Lahore, Pakistan. n. d.

Von Denffer, Ahmad. Christians in the Qur'an and Sunna. The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, UK. 1979.

    do. Dialogue Between Christians and Muslims (3 parts). The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, UK. 1980.

    do. Some Reflections on Dialogue Between Christians and Muslims. The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, UK. 1980.

4. 古兰经和圣经中的耶稣.

Abdul-Haqq, Dr. Akbar. Christ in the New Testament and the Qur'an. Author-published, Evanston, USA. 1975.

Ahmad, Al-Haj Khwaja Nalir. Jesus in Heaven on Earth. Woking Muslim Mission and Literary Trust, Azeez Manzil, Lahore, Pakistan. 1972 (1952).

Ata ur-Rahim, Muhammad. Jesus a Prophet of Islam. MWH Publ., London, United Kingdom. 1979 (1977).

Basetti-Sani, Giulio. The Koran in the Light of Christ (A Christian Interpretation of the Sacred Book of Islam), Franciscan Herald Press, Chicago, USA. 1977.

Cragg, Kenneth. Jesus and the Muslim. George Allen & Unwin, London, United Kingdom. 1985.

Durrani, Dr. M. H. The Quranic Facts about Jesus. International Islamic Publishers, Karachi, Pakistan. 1983.

Goldsack, Rev. W. Christ in Islam. The Christian Literature Society, Madras, India. 1905.

Hahn, Rev. Ernest. Jesus in Islam: A Christian View. I. E. L. C. Board for Literature, Vaniyambi, India. 1975.

Imran, Maulana Muhammad. The Teachings of Jesus in the Light of Al-Qur'an. Malik Sirajuddin and Sons, Kashmiri Balar, Lahore, Pakistan. 1980.

Jenkins, Orville Boyd. The Path of Love: Jesus in Mystical Islam. Communication Press, Nairobi, Kenya. 1984.

Muhammad Ali, Moulvi. Muhammad and Christ. Ahmadiah AnjumanI- Ishaet-I-Islam, Lahore, India. 1921.

Nurbakhsh, Dr. Javad. Jesus in the Eyes of the Sufis. Khaniqahi-Nimatullahi Publications, London, UK. 1983.

Obaray, A.H. Miraculous Conception, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus (Nabi Isa) as Taught in the Kuran. Published by the author, Kimberley, South Africa. 1962.

Parrinder, Geoffrey. Jesus in the Qur'an. Sheldon Press, London, United Kingdom. 1976 (1965).

Robertson, Kenneth G. Jesus or Isa. Vantage Press, New York, United States of America. 1983.

Robson, Rev. James. Christ in Islam. John Murray, London, United Kingdom. 1929.

Wismer, Don. The Islamic Jesus: An Annotated Bibliography. Garland Publishing Inc., New York, USA. 1977.

5. 基督徒有关伊斯兰和基督教方面的小册子.

Abdul-Haqq, Dr. Akbar. Sharing the Lord Jesus Christ with Muslim Neighbours. Published by the Author, USA. 1978.

Abd ul-Masih. Islam and Christianity: Ninety Questions and Answers. Daystar Press, Ibadan, Nigeria. 1973 (1967).

Adelphi G. and Hahn E. The Integrity of the Bible According to the Qur'an and Hadith. Hyderabad, India. 1977.

Abd al Fadi. Sin and Atonement in Islam and Christianity. Markaz-ash-Shabiba, Beirut, Lebanon. n. d.

    do. The Person of Christ in the Gospel and the Quran. Markaz-ash-Shabiba, Beirut, Lebanon. n. d.

Abd-ul-Masih. What Do You Think About Christ? The Good Way, Rikon, Switzerland. n. d.

    do. Why is it Difficult for a Muslim to Become a Christian? Ev. Karmel Mission, Schorndorf, W. Germany. n. d.

Anonymous. Christian Witness Among Muslims: A Study Guide. (2 parts). Assembly of God Lit. Centre, Accra, Ghana. 1977.

    do. Christian Witness to Muslims: Lausanne Occasional Papers. Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, Wheaton, Illinois, United States of America. 1980.

    do. Islam: Christianity's Greatest Challenge. Missionary Crusader, Lubcock, USA. n. d.

    do. Light on Islam. Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship, Leicester, UK. 1981.

    do. Reaching Muslims Today. North Africa Mission, Leicester, United Kingdom. 1976.

    do. The Muslim Challenge to the Christian Church. Fellowship of Faith for Muslims, Woking, UK. 1980.

Brutus, Zachariah. God is One in the Holy Trinity. Markaz- alShabiba, Basel, Switzerland. n. d.

Foster, Dave. Forgiveness According to the Torah, Injil and Qur'an. Africa Evangelical Fellowship, Canada. n. d.

Hahn, Ernest. Understanding Some Muslim Misunderstandings. The Fellowship of Faith, Toronto, Canada. n. d.

Hosmon, Sarah L. Presenting Jesus Christ the Son of God to Moslems. India Bible Christian Council, India. 1956.

Jadid, Iskandar. Did God Appear in the Flesh. Centre for Young Adults, Basel, Switzerland. n. d.

    do. God and Christ. Markaz al-Shabiba (Centre for Young Adults), Basel, Switzerland. n. d.

Jadid, Iskandar. The Cross in the Gospel and Quran. Markaz-ash-Shabiba, Beirut, Lebanon. n. d.

    do. The Infallibility of the Torah and the Gospel. Centre for Young Adults, Basel, Switzerland. n. d.

    do. What Must I Do to be Saved? Centre for Young Adults, Basel, Switzerland. n. d.

Kershaw, R. Max. How to Share the Good News With Your Muslim Friend. International Students Inc., Colorado Springs, United States of America. 1978.

Khalil, Rev. Victor. The Truth of the Quran in the Light of the Bible. Published by the Author, Detroit, USA. 1981.

Lochhaas, Philip H. How to Respond to Islam. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, USA. 1981.

Masood, Steven. Jesus and Ahmadiyyat. Jesus to the Muslims, Benoni, Republic of South Africa. 1988.

Miller, William M. Beliefs and Practices of Christians. Masi-hi Isha'at Khana, Lahore, Pakistan. 1973.

Nehls, Gerhard. Al-Kitab: A Bible Correspondence Course for Muslims. Life Challenge, Cape Town, South Africa. 1985.

    do. Christ Put it in Our Hand - A Key to Muslim Evangelism. Life Challenge, Cape Town, South Africa. 1985.

Nel, Fred. A Qur'anic Truth Unveiled. Eternal Life Outreach, Pretoria, South Africa. 1987.

Schlorff, S. P. Discipleship in Islamic Society. North Africa Mission, Leicester, UK. 1981.

Shenk, David W. The Holy Book of God: An Introduction. Africa Christian Press, Achimota, Ghana. 1981.

Stacey, Vivienne. Practical Lessons for Evangelism Among Muslims. Orientdienst eV., Wiesbaden, W. Germany. n. d.

Subhan, Bishop John A. God in Islam and Christianity. Concordia Theological Seminary, Nagercoil, India. 1960.

Tingle, Donald S. Islam and Christianity. InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, United States of America. 1985.

6. 穆斯林有关伊斯兰和基督教方面的小册子.

Abidi, Syed Almat Ali. Discovery of the Bible. Defence Housing Society, Karachi, Pakistan. 1973.

Ahmad, Halrat Mirza Ghulam. Three Questions by a Christian Answered. A Tabshir Publication, Rabwah, Pakistan. 1972.

Al-Hilali, Dr. M. T. Jesus and Muhammad in Bible and Qur'an. Kali Publications, Chicago, USA. n. d.

al-Johani, Dr. Maneh Hammad. The Truth About Jesus. World Assembly of Muslim Youth, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 1987.

Anonymous. Food for Thought for Christians. Darut Tabligh-e-Islami, Ghum, Iran. n. d.

    do. Islam and Christianism. A. E. I. F. Publication, Hyderabad, India. 1978.

    do. The Truth About Jesus the Son of Mary. Young Men's Muslim Association, Johannesburg, South Africa. 1961.

Bhula, Ismail. A Reply to Mr. A. H. Obaray! Young Men's Muslim Association, Johannesburg. 1963.

Deedat, Ahmed. Christ in Islam. Islamic Propagation Centre, Durban, South Africa. 1983.

    do. Is the Bible God's Word? Islamic Propagation Centre, Durban, South Africa. 1980.

    do. Resurrection or Resuscitation? Islamic Propagation Centre, Durban, South Africa. 1978.

    do. Was Christ Crucified? The Young Men's Muslim Association, Benoni South/Islamic Propagation Centre, Durban, South Africa. 1965.

    do. What Was the Sign of Jonah? Islamic Propagation Centre, Durban, Republic of South Africa. 1976.

    do. Who Moved the Stone? Islamic Propagation Centre, Durban, South Africa. 1977.

Joommal, A. S. K. The Riddle of Trinity and the Sonship of Christ. Islamic Missionary Society, Vrededorp, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa. 1966.

Khan, Nawab Sir Mohammad Yamin. Christ and Mary in the Holy Quran. The Book House, Lahore, Pakistan. n. d.

Miller, Gary. Missionary Christianity: A Muslim's Analysis. Islamic Propagation Centre, Birmingham, UK. n. d.

Mufassir, Sulaiman Shahid. Jesus, a Prophet of Islam. Muslim Student's Association, Plainfield, USA. 1980.

    do. Jesus in the Qur'an. The Muslim Student's Association, Plainfield, USA. 1972.

Muhsin, Ali. Let the Bible Speak. Author-published, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. n. d.

Najaar, Sheikh A. Muslim Judicial Council Chairman's Comments on Obaray's Booklet. Islamic Publications Bureau, Athlone, Cape Town, South Africa. n. d.

    do. The Church Thrust Against Muslims. An Al-Khaleel Publication, Cape Town, South Africa. 1983.

Peerbhai, Adam. Arabic Text on Jesus. Islamic Institute, Durban, South Africa. 1976.

    do. Glory of Jesus in the Koran. Islamic Institute, Durban, South Africa. 1963.

    do. Hadis Text: The Second Coming of Jesus. Islamic Institute, Durban, South Africa. 1979.

Rahim, Lt. Col. M. A. Unitarianism in Christianity. Motamar Alam-i-Islami), Karachi, Pakistan. n. d.

Rosenberg, Muhammad Faizul. Crucifixion. Mafeking Muslim Welfare Association, Mafeking, South Africa. 1958.

Saifuddin. Christianity or Islam? Islamic Foundation, Karachi, Pakistan. 1969.

Seepye, M. O. Crucifixion of Christ. Crescent Islamic Defence and Dissemination Service (1), Maritzburg, S. Africa. n. d.

    do. Is the Crucifiction a Fact or Fiction? Crescent Islamic Defence etc., (2), Maritzburg, South Africa. n. d.

    do. Heaven and Hell. Crescent Islamic Defence and Dissemination Service (3), Maritzburg, South Africa. n. d.

Seepye, M. O. The God That Never Was. The Islamic Propagation Centre, Durban, South Africa. 1983.

Shabalz, Imam Ala'uddin. The Plain Truth About the Birth of Jesus According to the Holy Bible. New Mind Productions, Jersey City, USA. 1981.

Shafaat, Ahmad. Concept of God. Nur Al-Islam Foundation, Ville St. Laurent, Canada. 1984.

    do. The Question of Authenticity and Authority of the Bible. Nur Media Services, Montreal, Canada. 1982.

Sharfi, M. Zakiuddin. Did the Prophet Muhammad Predict the Second Coming of Jesus and World War III? Saut-ul- Islam, New York, United States of America. 1983.

Sheard, W. J. The Myth of the Crucified Saviour. World Federation of Islamic Missions, Karachi, Pakistan. 1967.

    do. Who Founded Christianity: Jesus or Jewry? World Federation of Islamic Missions, Karachi, Pakistan. 1967.

Von Denffer A. and Siddiqui, A. Christian Literature for Muslims. The Islamic Fdundation, Leicester, UK. 1985 (1979).

Wadood, A. C. A. Who is the Saviour? "He is Muhammad Messenger of God" Says Jesus Christ. C.M.M.S, Sri Lanka. 1973.

7. 圣经中有关穆罕默德的预言.

Anonymous. Do you Know? The Prophet Muhammad is Prophesied in the Holy Bible! Y. M. M. A, Johannesburg, South Africa. 1960.

    do. The Prophet Like Unto Moses. Scripture Gift Mission, London, United Kingdom. 1951.

    do. The Prophet Muhammad in the Bible. Jamiat Ulema Natal, Wasbank, South Africa. n. d.

Badawi, Dr. J. Muhammad in the Bible. Islamic Information Foundation, Halifax, Canada. 1982.

Dawud, Prof. A. Muhammad in the Bible. Angkatan Nadhatul-Islam, Bersatu, Singapore. 1978.

Deedat, Ahmed. Muhammad in the Old and the New Testaments. Islamic Publications Bureau, Cape Town, S.Africa. n. d.

Deedat, Ahmed. Muhammad Successor to Jesus Christ as Portrayed in the Old and New Testaments. Muslim Brotherhood Aid Services, Johannesburg, S.Africa. n. d.

    do. What the Bible Says about Muhummed. Islamic Propagation Centre, Durban, South Africa. 1976.

Durrani, Dr. M. H. Muhammad the Biblical Prophet. International Islamic Publishers, Karachi, Pakistan. 1980.

Hamid, S. M. A. Evidence of the Bible About Mohammad. Author published, Karachi, Pakistan. 1973.

Kaldani, D. B. Mohammad in the Bible. Abbas Manzil Library, Allahabad, Pakistan. 1952.

Lee, F. N. Muhammad in the Bible? Unpublished M. Th. thesis, Stellenbosch, South Africa. 1964.

Shafaat, Dr. A. Islam and its Prophet: A Fulfilment of Biblical Prophecies. Nur Al-Islam Foundation, Ville St. Laurent, Canada. 1984.

Vidyarthy, Abdul Haque. Muhammad in World Scriptures. (3 Volumes), Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat-i-Islam, Pakistan. 1968.

8. 巴拿巴福音.

Begum Aisha Bawany Wakf. The Gospel of Barnabas. (3rd edition with introduction), Karachi, Pakistan. 1974.

    do. The Gospel of Barnabas. (6th edition with appendix), Karachi, Pakistan. 1977.

Durrani, Dr. M. H. Forgotten Gospel of St. Barnabas. International Islamic Publishers, Karachi, Pakistan. 1982.

Gairdner W. H. T. & Abdul-Ahad S. The Gospel of Barnabas: An Essay and Enquiry. Hyderabad, India. 1975.

Jadeed, I. The Gospel of Barnabas: A False Testimony. The Good Way, Rikon, Switzerland. 1980.

Peerbhai, Adam. Missing Documents from Gospel of Barnabas. Islamic Institute, Durban, South Africa. 1967.

    do. World Seminar on the Gospel of Barnabas. Al-Jihaad Int. Islamic Movement, Cape Town, South Africa. 1975.

Ragg, L. and L. The Gospel of Barnabas. Clarendon Press, Oxford, United Kingdom. 1907.

Rahim, M. A. The Gospel of Barnabas. Quran Council of Pakistan, Karachi, Pakistan. 1973.

Slomp, J. Pseudo-Barnabas in the Context of Christian-Muslim Apologetics. Christian Study Centre, Pakistan. 1974.

    do. The Gospel in Dispute. Pontificio Istituto Di Studi Arabi, Rome, Italy. 1978.

    do. The Pseudo-Gospel of Barnabas. Bulletin, Secretariatis pro non Christianis, Citta del Vaticano, Italy. 1976.

Sox, David. The Gospel of Barnabas. George Allen and Unwin Limited, London, United Kingdom. 1984.

Wadood, A. C. A. The Holy Prophet Foretold by Jesus Christ in the Gospel of St. Barnabas. Ceylon Muslim Missionary Society, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 1973.