先知的封印 The Seal of Prophethood |
Mohammed is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Apostle of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets (rests upon him). 穆罕默德不是你們中任何男人的父親,而是真主的使者,和眾先知的封印。真主是全知萬物的。(古蘭經33:40) Bukhari vol. I, no. 189; vol. IV, no. 741: Narrated As-Sa’ib Yazid: “I stood behind him (i.e., Allah’s Apostle) and saw the Seal of Prophethood between his shoulders, and it was like the ‘zir-al-Hijla’ (the size of a button on a small tent or a partridge egg).” 我發現他的兩臂之間為聖的印?,像帷幕的鈕扣一樣。(布哈里聖訓1:190) Bukhari vol. IV, no. 741: Narrated As Sab’ib Bin Yazid “Standing behind him (i.e. Allah’s Apostle) I saw the Seal (of the Prophets) between his shoulders.” Muslim vol. IV, no. 5790-5793 THE FACT PERTAINING TO THE SEAL OF HIS PROPHETHOOD, ITS CHARACTERISTIC FEATURE AND ITS LOCATION ON HIS BODY. Jabir B. Samura reported: “I saw the Seal on his back as if it were a pigeon’s egg.” This Hadith has been narrated on the authority of Simak with the same chain of transmitters. As-Sa’ib B. Yzid reported: My mother’s sister took me to Allah’s Messenger and… I stood behind him and I saw the Seal between his shoulders. Abdullah B. Sarjis reported: “I saw Allah’s Apostle and ate with him bread and meet…. I then went after him and saw the Seal of Prophethood between his shoulders on the left side of this shoulder having spots on it like moles.” 這書是翻譯自Dr. Abdullah Aziz的’The Amazing Teachings of Islam’s Prophet – Mohammed’s Believe It or Else!’。 1至5的內容取材自古蘭經。6至21的內容取材自布哈里聖訓實錄全集卷一至卷三(中文譯本由康有璽翻譯,經濟日報出版社出版)。22至35的內容取材自布哈里聖訓實錄全集卷四至卷九(英文譯本由美國南加州大學穆斯林協會翻譯,放在http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/bukhari)。 |