There is no claim in this section at all. So there is no need to respond to any. But Al-Kadhi gives a good exhortation which does not hurt to be reminded of again.
The complete section reads:
Mr. J says: "What makes Jesus stand out from all other religious figures is the nature of His claims about Himself. He claims the prerogatives of God, the rightful object of a person's supreme allegiance, and receives with out censure the worship and obedience of those who believe."
Let us study the validity of this claim:
Al-Kadhi is right to remind us of the need to do what Jesus taught. These are the days of easy-believism and greasy grace, two doctrines of Baal which I despise. With Baalam, it took an ass to rebuke the prophet. So too, God is using a Muslim to rebuke the Christians.
In regard to the question of worship, see in particular the response to section as well as the response to the common statement: N O W H E R E does Jesus say "I am God, worship me."
Rebuttal of "What Did Jesus Really Say?"
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