• 1. Христианская и светская литература по мусульманской и христианской апологетике
   • 2. Мусульманские книги об исламе и христианстве
   • 3. Христианские брошюры по вопросам ислама и христианства
   • 4. Мусульманские брошюры по вопросам ислама и христианства
   • 5. О библейских пророчествах о Мухаммаде
   • 6. О Евангелии от Варнавы

1. Христианская и светская литература по мусульманской и христианской апологетике

• Adang, Camilla. Muslim Writers on Judaism and the Hebrew Bible. E. J. Brill, Leiden, Holland. 1996. 
• Bevan Jones, L. Christianity Explained to Muslims. Y.M.C.A., Publishing House, Calcutta, India. 1952. 
• Brown, David. Jesus and God in the Christian Scriptures. Christianity and Islam 1, Sheldon Press, London, UK. 1967. 
• do. The Christian Scriptures. Christianity and Islam 2, Sheldon Press, London, UK. 1967. 
• do. The Cross of the Messiah. Christianity and Islam 3, Sheldon Press, London, UK. 1967. 
• do. The Divine Trinity. Christianity and Islam 4, Sheldon Press, London, UK. 1967. 
• Burman, Thomas E. Religious Polemic and the Intellectual History of the Mozarabs, c. 1050-1200. E. J. Brill, Leiden, Holland. 1994. 
• Geisler, N. L. and Saleeb, A. Answering Islam: The Crescent in the Light of the Cross. Baker Books, Michigan, USA. 1993. 
• Goddard, Hugh. Muslim Perceptions of Christianity. Grey Seal Books, London, UK. 1996. 
• Jeffery, Arthur. Materials for the History of the Text of the Qur'an. AMS Press, New York, USA. 1975. 
• Muir, Sir W. The Coran: Its Composition and Teaching. S.P.C.K., London, UK. 1903. 
• do. The Beacon of Truth. The Religious Tract Society, London, UK. 1894. 
• do. The Mohammedan Controversy. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. 1897. 
• Nehls, Gerhard. Christians Ask Muslims. Life Challenge, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa. 1980. 
• do. Christians Answer Muslims. Life Challenge, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa. 1980. 
• Parrinder, Geoffrey. Jesus in the Qur'an. Sheldon Press, London, UK. 1976. 
• Pfander, C. G. Miftahu'l Asrar: The Key of Mysteries. The Christian Literature Society, Madras, India. 1912. 
• do. The Mizan ul Haqq, or Balance of Truth. Church Missionary House, London, UK. 1867. 
• do. The Mizanu'l Haqq (Balance of Truth). The Religious Tract Society, London, UK. 1910. 
• Rice, Rev W. A. Crusaders of the Twentieth Century: The Christian Missionary and the Muslim. Church Missionary Society, London, UK. 1910. 
• Seale, M. S. Qur'an and Bible: Studies in Interpretation and Dialogue. Croom Helm, London, UK. 1978. 
• Samir, K. A. and Nielsen, J. S. Christian Arabic Apologetics During the Abbasid Period. E. J. Brill, Leiden, Holland. 1994. 
• Thomas, David. Anti-Christian Polemic in Early Islam. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 1992. 
• Tisdall, W. St. Clair. A Manual of the Leading Muhammadan Objections to Christianity. S.P.C.K., London, UK. 1912. 
• Wherry, Rev. E. M. The Muslim Controversy. The Christian Literature Society, Madras, India. 1905. 
• Zwemer, Dr. S. M. Mohammed or Christ. Seeley, Service & Co. Ltd., London, UK. 1915.


2. Мусульманские книги об исламе и христианстве

• Ajijola, AlHaj A. D. The Myth of the Cross. Islamic Publications Limited, Lahore, Pakistan. 1975. 
• Alwi, Sumali. Divinity of Jesus: A Dialoque between B. Mudhary and A. Widuri. Pustaka Aphiya, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. 1987. 
• Ansari, Muhammad F. R. Islam and Christianity in the Modern World. World Federation of Islamic Missions, Karachi, Pakistan, 1965. 
• Assfy, Zaid H. Islam and Christianity. William Sessions Limited, York, UK. 1977. 
• Ata-ur-Rahim, Dr. Akbar. Jesus a Prophet of Islam. MWH Publishers, London, UK. 1979. 
• Aziz-us-Samad, Ulfat. A Comparative Study of Christianity and Islam. Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, Lahore, Pakistan. 1983. 
• do. Islam and Christianity. International Islamic Federation, Peshawar, Pakistan. 1982. 
• Deedat, Ahmed. The Choice: The Qur'an or the Bible. Thinkers Library, Selangor. Singapore. 
• Durrani, Dr. M. H. The Quranic Facts About Jesus. International Islamic Publishers, Karachi, Pakistan. 1983. 
• Hamid Abdul. Islam and Christianity. A Hearthstone Book, New York, USA. 1967. 
• Imran, Maulana Muhammad. The Cross and the Crescent. Malik Sirajuddin & Sons, Lahore, Pakistan. 1979. 
• Jameelah, Maryam. Islam Versus Ahl al Kitab, Past and Present. Mohammed Yusuf Khan, Lahore, Pakistan. 1968. 
• Joommal, A. S. K. The Bible: Word of God or Word of Man? I.M.S. Publications, Johannesburg, South Africa. 1976. 
• Kamal-ud-Din, Khwaja. The Sources of Christianity. Woking Muslim Mission & Literary Trust, Lahore, Pakistan. 1973. 
• Manjoo, Muhammad E. The Cross and the Crescent. Foto-Saracen, Durban, Republic of South Africa. 1966. 
• Muhammad Ali, Moulvi. Muhammad and Christ. Ahmadiah Anjuman-i-Ishaet-i-Islam, Lahore, India. 1921. 
• Niazi, Kausar. The Mirror of Trinity. Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, Lahore, Pakistan. 1975. 
• Obaray, A. H. Miraculous Conception, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus (Nabi Isa) as Taught in the Kuran. Author-published, Kimberley, South Africa. 1962. 
• Rahmatullah, Maulana M. The Ijaharu'l Hakk; or Truth Revealed. Publisher not named, India. 1860. 
• Sadr-ud-Din. Fundamentals of the Christian Faith in the Light of the Gospels. Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at-i-Islam, Lahore. Pakistan. 
• Shafaat, Ahmad. The Question of Authenticity and Authority of the Bible. Nur Media Services, Montreal, Canada. 1982. 
• Tabari, Ali. The Book of Religion and Empire. Law Publishing Company, Lahore, Pakistan. 
• Zidan, Dr. Ahmad. Christianity: Myth or Message? A. S. Noordeen, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. 1995.


3. Христианские брошюры по вопросам ислама и христианства

• Adelphi, G. and Hahn, E. The Integrity of the Bible According to the Qur'an and Hadith. Hyderabad, India. 1977. 
• Abd al Fadi. Sin and Atonement in Islam and Christianity. Markazash-Shabiba, Beirut, Lebanon. 
• Anderson, M. The Trinity: For Christians and Muslims. Pioneer Book Company, Caney, USA. 1994. 
• Brutus, Zachariah. God is One in the Holy Trinity. Markaz-ash-Shabiba, Basel, Switzerland. 
• Eric, Walter. Let the Bible Speak for Itself. Life Challenge Africa, Nairobi, Kenya. 1996. 
• Jadid, Iskandar. The Cross in the Gospel and Quran. Markaz-ash-Shabiba, Beirut, Lebanon. 
• do. The Infallibility of the Torah and the Gospel. Centre for Young Adults, Basel, Switzerland. 
• Khalil, Victor. The Truth of the Quran in the Light of the Bible. Author-published, Detroit, USA. 1981.


4. Мусульманские брошюры по вопросам ислама и христианства

• Abidi, Syed Azmat Ali. Discovery of the Bible. Defence Housing Society, Karachi, Pakistan. 1973. 
• Al-Hilali, Dr. M. T. Jesus and Muhammad in Bible and Qur'an. Kazi Publications, Chicago, USA. 
• Al-Johani, Dr. M. H. The Truth About Jesus. World Assembly of Muslim Youth, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 1987. 
• Bhula, Ismail. A Reply to Mr A. Y. Obaray! Young Men's Muslim Association, Johannesburg. South Africa. 1963. 
• Deedat, Ahmed. Combat Kit Against Bible Thumpers. Islamic Propagation Centre, Durban, South Africa. 1992. 
• do. Crucifixion or Cruci-Fiction? Islamic Propagation Centre, Durban, South Africa. 1984. 
• do. Is the Bible God's Word? Islamic Propagation Centre, Durban, South Africa. 1980. 
• do. Resurrection or Resuscitation? Islamic Propagation Centre, Durban, South Africa. 1978. 
• do. Was Christ Crucified? Islamic Propagation Centre, Durban, South Africa. 1965. 
• do. What Was the Sign of Jonah? Islamic Propagation Centre, Durban, South Africa. 1976. 
• Joommal, A. S. K. The Riddle of Trinity and Sonship of Christ. Islamic Missionary Society, Johannesburg, South Africa. 1966. 
• Muhsin, Ali. Let the Bible Speak. Author-published, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 
• Najaar, A. Muslim Judicial Council Chairman's Comments on Obaray's Booklet. Islamic Publications Bureau, Cape Town, South Africa. 
• Shabazz, Ala'uddin. The Plain Truth About the Birth of Jesus According to the Holy Bible. New Mind Productions, New Jersey, USA. 1981.


5. О библейских пророчествах о Мухаммаде

• Anonymous. Do You Know? The Prophet Muhammad is Prophesied in the Holy Bible! Y.M.M.A., Johannesburg, South Africa. 1960. 
• do. The Prophet Muhammad in the Bible. Jamiat Ulema Natal, Wasbank, Republic of South Africa. 
• Badawi, Dr. J. Muhammad in the Bible. Islamic Information Foundation, Halifax, Canada. 1982. 
• Dawud, Prof. A. Muhammad in the Bible. Angkatan Nadhatul-Islam, Bersatu, Singapore. 1978. 
• Deedat, Ahmed. Muhammad in the Old and New Testaments. Islamic Publications Bureau, Cape Town, South Africa. 
• do. Muhammad Successor to Jesus Christ as Portrayed in the Old and New Testaments. Muslim Brotherhood Aid Services, Johannesburg, South Africa. 
• do. What the Bible Says About Muhammad. Islamic Propagation Centre, Durban, South Africa. 1976. 
• Durrani, Dr. M. H. Muhammad the Biblical Prophet. International Islamic Publishers, Karachi, Pakistan. 1980. 
• Hamid, S. M. A. Evidence of the Bible About Mohammad. Author-published, Karachi, Pakistan. 1973. 
• Kaldani, D. B. Mohammad in the Bible. Abbas Manzil Library, Allahabad, Pakistan. 1952. 
• Kassim, Hajee Mahboob. Muhammad in World Scriptures. Chishtiyya Publications, Calcutta, India. 1990. 
• Mufassir, Sulayman Shahid. The Bible's Preview of Muhammad. Al-Balagh Foundation, Tehran, Iran. 1986. 
• Al-Qayrawani, Faris. Is Muhammad the Promised Parakletos? Al-Nour, Colorado Springs, USA. 1992. 
• Shafaat, Dr. A. Islam and its Prophet: A Fulfilment of Biblical Prophecies. Nur al-Islam Foundation, Laurent, Canada. 1984. 
• Vidyarthy, A. H. Muhammad in World Scriptures. (3 volumes). Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat-i-Islam, Karachi, Pakistan. 1974.


6. О Евангелии от Варнавы

• 6. О Евангелии от Варнавы 
• Anonymous. The Gospel of Truth: The Barnabas Bible. Islamic Dawah Centre, Pretoria, South Africa. 
• Begum Aisha Bawany Wakf. The Gospel of Barnabas. (3rd edition), Karachi, Pakistan. 1974. 
• Campbell, Willam F. The Gospel of Barnabas: Its True Value. Christian Study Centre, Rawalpindi, India. 1989. 
• Durrani, M. H. Forgotten Gospel of St. Barnabas. International Islamic Publishers, Karachi, Pakistan. 1982. 
• Gairdner, W. H. T. & Abdul-Ahad, S. The Gospel of Barnabas: An Essay and Enquiry. Hyderabad, India. 1975. 
• Jadeed, I. The Gospel of Barnabas: A False Testimony. The Good Way, Rikon, Switzerland. 1980. 
• Niazi, Shaheer. Is the Gospel of Barnabas a Forgery? Siddiqi Trust, Karachi, Pakistan. 
• Peerbhai, Adam. Missing Documents from Gospel of Barnabas. Islamic Institute, Durban, South Africa. 1967. 
• Ragg, L & L. The Gospel of Barnabas. Clarendon Press, Oxford, United Kingdom. 1907. 
• Rahim, M. A. The Gospel of Barnabas. Quran Council of Pakistan, Karachi, Pakistan. 1973. 
• Slomp, J. Pseudo-Barnabas in the Context of Christian-Muslim Apologetics. Christian Study Centre, Pakistan. 1974. 
• do. The Gospel in Dispute. Pontificio Instituto Di Studi Arabi, Rome, Italy. 1978. 
• do. The Pseudo-Gospel of Barnabas. Bulletin, Secretariatis pro non Christianis, Citta del Vaticano, Italy. 1976. 
• Sox, David. The Gospel of Barnabas. George Allen & Unwin Limited,London, United Kingdom. 1984. 
• Wadood, A. C. A. The Holy Prophet Foretold by Jesus Christ in the Gospel of St. Barnabas. Ceylon Muslim Missionary Society, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 1973. 
• Yuseff, M. A. The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Gospel of Barnabas, and The New Testament. American Trust Publications, Indianapolis, USA. 1994.

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